AStA » Departments » Finance


Our finance department is staffed by a part-time employee, which is assigned with managing the student bodys’ assets. The University legal code of Hessen states that a student body may govern itself and may be entitled to demand enrolment fees to finance its activities.

The department consolidates all the different student panels activities and transforms them into accounting transactions. Fundamental duties are:

  • Calculation and collecting of student fees
  • Drawing up the annual budget
  • Commercial transactions and bookkeeping
  • Human resources management
  • Management of reserve funds
  • Management of students-representatives’ funds

Another important aspect of the finance department is the creation of an accounting in compliance with German commercial law and the student bodys’ financial by-laws.

Contact Information

0611 9495 1192

Campus Kurt-Schumacher-Ring
Room A109
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18
65197 Wiesbaden